Friday, August 3, 2007


If you want to watch the video of the Heroes panel from Comic-Con, they put it online.

Same for Lost

Dresden Files has been canceled. Not an official announcement, just a by-the-way comment in casting for another show: the lead actor has been cast in Big Shots for ABC (great cast, bad premise, I doubt I'll watch). I'm sad, I actually liked the show.

Good news and bad news from Fox: They changed their schedule and have moved Bones to Tuesday. I like this timeslot much better - there isn't any competition. They are also holding New Amsterdam for midseason. It actually looked good, and now I'm afraid they'll bury it (and Tim Minnear isn't even in the crew).

Here's a list of the extras for the box set of Stargate. (I hate extras only available for a set when I already have the individual seasons.)

Interview with Joss Whedon.,,20049318,00.html

We're used to lists of best shows and prematurely canceled shows, but someone has now made a list of 5 SF shows that were completely trashed and destroyed before finally going off the air. Since 3 of the 5 are shows I was recording in first season and not even watching when they went off the air, I pretty much agree and would have a hard time finding better examples. What do you think?

ResQer's Mr. Woo is in a TV commercial. She has a YouTube video of it on her blog today.

John Scalzi posted all his SF links today: blogs from writers and publishers, etc. I love the SF Signal link, and just added it to my RSS feeds. I may check a few others in the next week or so.

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