Monday, January 7, 2008


Cool science article of the day: An archeologists' best new tool seems to be Google Earth. Using infrared and ultraviolet satellite imaging, archaeologists have discovered new Mayan cities (not to mention French, Roman, etc. sites), as well as how some cities were used or abandoned.

The Cable TV industry is actually moving forward to standardize their equipment before the FCC forces them into it.

Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations (CICLOPs) held a contest for the best Saturn images. CNet has a slideshow of some of the winners, or you can go to the CICLOPs page to see them all (larger and including videos). This is the winner of the favorite image (it looks better larger).

Scientists have developed a way to transform CO2 into fuel, effectively reversing the combustion process. Using solar heat, they picture transforming 45 pounds of CO2 that would go into the air at a coal-powered plant into 2.5 gallons of methanol or gasoline.

The Golden Globes may not air on TV. They haven't reached an agreement with the Writers Guild, so there will be no script and no film clips. The Screen Actors Guild has said they won't cross the picket line, so there will be no actors as presenters or attendees (even the nominees). The Hollywood Foreign Press is pressuring NBC to cancel, so that actors can attend a small, non-televised event (it wouldn't be picketed if it weren't televised). NBC will announce today if they are going to cancel or attempt to postpone.

From a group who has made an attempt to read ALL of the 2007 short fiction, here is a list of their recommendations. has put every episode from the first 3 seasons of Lost up on their website in HD. They will be available to view until January 31st, so you can catch up before 4th season begins if you don't have the dvds but do have a good internet connection.

DVR for tonight:
10pm Medium (4th season premiere)
Daily Show and Colbert Report also return tonight, but without writers.

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